Praise for the The Opioid Crisis Wake-Up Call

Dave Chase is the first and just about only person that's ever been able to give me hope and a real pathway to fundamental change in our convoluted health care system.

Paul Shoemaker Founding President of Social Venture Partners International & Author

Our nation’s opioid epidemic serves as a tragic wake-up call forcing us to rethink how we deliver health care in our country, directly challenging the present level of accountability experienced among pharmaceutical companies, PBMs, insurers, hospitals, physicians and patients alike. I have never witnessed an epidemic in our country with such a far-reaching tragic impact as we are experiencing with opioids—an epidemic that reveals the weaknesses within our current health care system. The Opioid Crisis Wake-up Call is the first book to look at the upstream conditions that enable the crisis and the practical and proven approaches to solving this great crisis.

Tommy G. Thompson Former Secretary of Health and Human Services

You’d be hard pressed to find another industry as dysfunctional and expensive as American healthcare. Dave Chase shines a light on the symptoms and causes while pointing the way to a better way of providing far better healthcare at a more competitive cost. It takes someone outside of healthcare to tell the truth about such a poorly performing and expensive industry. As he says the good news is that it can be fixed with methods already available

Tod Lickerman
Tod Lickerman Former Global President and America’s CEO of Cushman and Wakefield

Dave Chase’s new book The Opioid Crisis Wake-up Call is a gift to anyone who cares, as Chase clearly does, about understanding and attacking the root causes of a public health crisis that has no social or economic boundaries.

Mark Blum
Mark Blum Executive Director America’s Agenda

This is a must-read for any business leader tasked with providing high-quality healthcare to employees. Chase delivers a compelling account of what we've been doing wrong with benefits purchasing, and how we the people, not Washington elites, can solve the opioid crisis.

Steve Forbes Chairman and Editor-in-Chief, Forbes Media

A fresh perspective from one the one of the most brilliant minds in health care. Chase is not beholden to any of the [industry's] giant stakeholders. The result is a uniquely honest and novel conversation about what's best for America.

Marty Makary Johns Hopkins Surgeon & NYT Bestselling Author of Unaccountable

No one has been able to connect the key policy dots among our most pressing challenges in healthcare---the opioid crisis, value based purchasing, and the critical role played by employers, until David Chase. Kudos to Chase for connecting the dots and creating a coherent, bipartisan strategy. I hope we are courageous enough to embrace his guidance.

David Nash
David B. Nash MD, MBA, Dean, Jefferson College of Population Health (JCPH)

Dave Chase diagnoses the dangerous and expensive shortcomings of our health care system and inspires us to create a more transparent and accountable one. Using the evolution of the opioid crisis to demonstrate how US healthcare has failed on multiple fronts, Dave illustrates the cornerstones of reform: value-based payment, accessible, comprehensive primary care, employer/provider/community partnerships, and available, relevant data. The Opioid Crisis Wake-up Call should be required reading for anyone working to engineer a better US health care system.

David Lansky
David Lansky PhD, President and Chief Executive Officer, Pacific Business Group on Health

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What the The Opioid Crisis Wake-Up Call provides.

This book uncovers the upstream, systemic fixes designed to stop the crisis at its source. As you read this, countless people are leaving clinics and hospitals with over 30-day supplies of opioids for lower back pain, asymptomatic wisdom teeth removal, and other inappropriate uses with little evidence.
  • Preface
  • Introduction
  • A Note on Reading This Book
  • Chapter 1: The Opioid Crisis Isn’t an Anomaly
  • Chapter 2: So How Did We Get Here
  • Chapter 3: America Has Gone to War for Far Less
  • Case Study: Pittsburgh (Allegheny County) Schools
  • Chapter 4: Health Care Costs are Flat Despite What You Have Heard
  • Chapter 5: What You Don’t Know About the Pressures and Constraints Facing Insurance Executives Costs You Dearly
  • Chapter 6: Health Care is Stealing Millennials’ Future – But They Will Take it Back
  • Case Study: Rosen Hotels & Resorts
  • Chapter 7: 7 Tricks Used to Redistribute Money From Your Organization to the Health Care Industry
  • Chapter 8: PPO Networks Deliver Value—and Other Flawed Assumptions That Crush Your Budget
  • Case Study: City of Milwaukee
  • Chapter 9: Criminal Fraud Is Much Bigger Than You Think
  • Chapter 10: Are Workplace Wellness Programs Hazardous to Your Health?
  • Chapter 11: You Run a Health Care Business Whether You Like It or Not.
  • Chapter 12: How to Pick a Benefits Consultant
  • Case Study: Langdale Industries
  • Chapter 13: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Benefits Professionals
  • Chapter 14: Centers of Excellence Offer a Golden Opportunity
  • Chapter 15: Independent Claims Administrators vs. Insurance Company Claims Administrators –The Trade-Offs
  • Chapter 16: The Future of Health Will Be Local, Open, and Independent
  • Chapter 17: Health 3.0 Vision and Implications for Providers & Government
  • Chapter 18: Economic Development 3.0: Communities Take Center Stage
  • Chapter 19: Mayors Must Lead Cities Out of the Opioid Crisis
  • Chapter 20: Making Sure Opioid Mitigation Plans Mitigate the Right Things
  • Chapter 21: Value-based Primary Care
  • Chapter 22: Transparent Medical Market
  • Case Study: Enovation Controls
  • Chapter 23: Concierge-Style Employee Customer Service
  • Chapter 24: High-Value, Transparent TPA
  • Chapter 25: Transparent Pharmacy Benefits
  • Chapter 26: “ERISA Fiduciary Risk is the Largest Undisclosed Risk I’ve Seen in My Career”
  • Appendix A: Evidence-Based Services for People with Opiod Use Disorder
  • Appendix B: Status Quo Benefits vs. Health Rosetta Type Benefits
  • Appendix C: A Practical Handbook for Systems Change - August 2017
  • Appendix D: Client Notice, Plan Sponsor Bill of Rights, and Code of Conduct
  • Appendix E: Sample Compensation Disclosure Form
  • Appendix F: Health Rosetta Principles
  • Appendix G: Why Doctors are Running Out of Empathy
  • Appendix H: Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and JP Morgan Chase Can Lead Employer Solution to Opioid Crisis on the Journey to Larger Health Care Reinvention
  • Appendix I: Decoding a fully insured renewal
  • Appendix J: Benefits Options for Small Businesses and Sole Proprietors

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