Gift or purchase multiple copies of Th Opioid Crisis Wake-Up Call

For anyone looking to help drive change in our healthcare system.

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You gift directly to each recipient.

Best for in-person gifts or if you want to ship yourself.

2-30 books

Amazon ships.

More than 30

We ship directly.

We partner and together give to recipients.

You just want help OR include the book in a broader campaign.

Just books

You provide a recipient list.
We send the books.
$39.95 each.

Books + Something

Only limited by our collective creativity.
We'll custom tailor anything from a personal note to a large, multi-channel campaign.

Scroll down for some ideas.

Gifting ideas

Leverage the CEO's Guide to advance your cause or business.
Often, it's a bit of both. We call this enlightened self-interest.

Advance my cause

Save lives and reduce healthcare's waste.
Healthcare waste impacts nearly every social issue.
Tackling it frees critical resources for elsewhere.

Advance my business

Build relationships, open conversations, develop opportunities, and grow mission-aligned businesses.

Add a supplement
Give away at an event
Include a personal note
Send author-signed copies
Send to members of an organization
Use as a piece of a broader campaign
Partner with the Institute on a campaign
Target specific companies, geographies etc.
Underwrite gifting to a group we've identified
Something else?

Let's find the highest impact approach together.

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