It's time to spend far less and get much more from your health care spending.

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If you'd like to learn more about Health Rosetta and how you can reduce your healthcare costs by 20% or more while improving benefits please email the event host: or Health Rosetta at

Join national and local leaders for a paradigm shifting discussion on how to optimize your health care costs.

Who should attend? CEOs, CFOs, COO, GCs, HR Leaders, Municipal Leaders, Union Leaders, Small Business Owners and Physicians!
Learn how to significantly reduce cost and improve outcomes and ignite employee satisfaction.
  • It is possible to offer more and spend less on your employee healthcare solutions.
  • Create sustainable healthcare solutions that also help build strong communities.
  • Small employers really can offer high quality programs to help them attract and retain employees.
Attendees will receive a complimentary copy of Dave Chase's latest book Relocalizing Health: The Future of Health Care is Local, Open and Independent

Learn the proven path to sustainably lower costs.

This informative, educational session will give you the foundation for building a long term strategy to reduce your healthcare spend while improving your employees care and satisfaction.
McMahon Group Logo

President, The McMahon Group, Spokesperson Illinois FMMA, COO Prairie Spine & Pain Institute, Health Rosetta Advisor, Consultant member ACHRM, Life long Peorian, fiercely independent entrepreneur on a mission to help small business and physicians reclaim the American Dream, one community at a time.

Colleen Ingraham
Colleen Ingraham President The McMahon Group

Dave Chase is the co-founder of Health Rosetta, which accelerates the adoption of practical, business-led fixes to our health care system. Chase was formerly the CEO/co-founder of Avado, acquired by and integrated into WebMD & Medscape. He also played founding and leadership roles in launching two new billion-dollar businesses within Microsoft, including a $3 billion health care platform business.

Dave Chase Co-founder Health Rosetta
Ive-Decided logo

Kim Martin is the Founder of I've Decided, and the creator of the "DECIDE" method. She designed this 6 step plan to help people successfully complete their goals and dreams. Kim has over 18 years of coaching experience, and is certified in behavior management.

Kim Martin
Kim Martin Founder I've Decided
WoW Health Solutions logo

Jawad Arshad is an Emergency physician with extensive administrative experience, who has firsthand knowledge of running a medical practice and being a business owner. WoW Health aligns incentives to facilitate transparent and direct relationships between patients and medical service providers.

Jawad Arshad
Dr. Jawad Arshad Founder WoW Health Solutions

The Health Rosetta is the proven framework to reduce spending by 20% or more, while improving care quality.

No theory or empty ideas. Just real-life successes collected from hundreds of employers.

Improve your financial performance

Improve the quality of care for employees

Help employees spend less out-of-pocket

Better for you. Better for your employees.
Better for your community. Better for America.

What others say about the Health Rosetta and The CEO's Guide

With rapidly rising costs, finding innovative, yet proven, ways to sustainably lower costs is necessary. The Health Rosetta helps make this possible by aggregating successful approaches from the best purchasers everywhere.

Tara Conger Headshot 250×250
Tara Conger VP, Human Resources Palmer Johnson Power Systems

More and more C-suite executives see health benefits a major liability, not an asset. The CEO’s Guide to Restoring the American Dream is a life saving guide to provide employees needed healthcare in way a your CFO and CEO will applaud.

Tom Emerick Former head of benefits at Walmart, BP, & Burger King

Dave Chase has an industry-unique ability to identify the challenges facing our health care system in a manner that the ever-expanding and frustrated masses can quickly understand. What truly distinguishes Dave’s effort is not the failures he identifies, but the thought-provoking and tested solutions he presents coupled with his willingness to challenge payers, providers and consumers alike to demand a more-rewarding health care system.

Tommy Thompson Former Wisconsin Governor & United States Secretary of Health & Human Services