How to Deliver World Class Healthcare to Employees at Half the Cost
If you'd like to learn more about Health Rosetta and how you can reduce your healthcare costs by 20% or more while improving benefits please email the event host: or Health Rosetta at
Join national and local leaders for a paradigm shifting discussion on how to optimize your health care costs.

What others say about the Health Rosetta and The CEO's Guide
With rapidly rising costs, finding innovative, yet proven, ways to sustainably lower costs is necessary. The Health Rosetta helps make this possible by aggregating successful approaches from the best purchasers everywhere.
More and more C-suite executives see health benefits a major liability, not an asset. The CEO’s Guide to Restoring the American Dream is a life saving guide to provide employees needed healthcare in way a your CFO and CEO will applaud.
Dave Chase has an industry-unique ability to identify the challenges facing our health care system in a manner that the ever-expanding and frustrated masses can quickly understand. What truly distinguishes Dave’s effort is not the failures he identifies, but the thought-provoking and tested solutions he presents coupled with his willingness to challenge payers, providers and consumers alike to demand a more-rewarding health care system.