It's time to spend far less and get much more from your health care spending.

Join us on April 16th at 8am for breakfast and expert insight.
Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP, 191 N Upper Wacker Dr, Chicago, IL 60606

Join national and local leaders for a paradigm shifting discussion on how to optimize your health care costs.

Attendance is limited to 20 CEOs, CFOs, COOs, GCs, & HR leaders. Please complete the form to request to attend.
Transforming how employers provide medical and pharmacy programs to their employees.
  • Learn how to utilize captive arrangements to manage risk and provide significant ROE
  • Why integrating Centers of Excellence (COEs) into plan offerings is a cornerstone to high performing health plans
  • Case studies of employers using captives, COEs and the Health Rosetta



Attendees will receive a complimentary copy of the book

Cracking Health Costs: How to Cut Your Company's Health Costs and Provide Employees Better Care
Cracking HC costs

Learn the proven path to sustainably lower costs.

This informative, educational session will give you the foundation for building a long term strategy to reduce your healthcare spend while improving your employees care and satisfaction.
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As one of 30 Charter Health Rosetta Certified Benefits Advisors, Brian helps employers adopt the simple, practical, fixes to their health plans and our healthcare system.

His team helps large, self-funded public and private employers improve employee care and satisfaction while reducing spending by 20% or more.

Brian Uhlig
Brian Uhlig Senior Partner Alera Group
Edison Healthcare

Tom Emerick is president of Edison Healthcare and a frequent speaker on the topic of healthcare economics. In 2009, Tom was named by Healthspottr as one of the top 100 innovators in healthcare the U.S. for his work on medical ethics. In 2013 a article named Tom one of 13 “Unsung Heroes Changing Health Care Forever.”

Tom Emerick President Edison Healthcare

A nationally-recognized figure in employer-sponsored retirement plans, Brad is the former Assistant Secretary of Labor for Employee Benefits and head of the Employee Benefits Security Administration. As ERISA's former “top cop” and primary federal regulator, he provides his clients with insight and knowledge across a broad range of ERISA-plan related issues including fiduciary conduct and prohibited transactions.

Brad Campbell Partner Drinker Biddle & Realth LLP

With more than 25 years of experience in the insurance, health care, risk financing and benefits industries, Karin is an internationally recognized thought leader in this sphere. Karin helps clients develop customized, innovative solutions including developing insurance and captive entities, designing new health and life products, evaluating benefits strategies and funding, and creating market entry strategies for companies in the retirement area.

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Karin Landry Managing Partner Spring Consulting Group, LLC

The Health Rosetta is the proven framework to reduce spending by 20% or more, while improving care quality.

No theory or empty ideas. Just real-life successes collected from hundreds of employers.

Improve your financial performance

Improve the quality of care for employees

Help employees spend less out-of-pocket

Better for you. Better for your employees.
Better for your community. Better for America.

What others say about the Health Rosetta and The CEO's Guide

With rapidly rising costs, finding innovative, yet proven, ways to sustainably lower costs is necessary. The Health Rosetta helps make this possible by aggregating successful approaches from the best purchasers everywhere.

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Tara Conger VP, Human Resources Palmer Johnson Power Systems

More and more C-suite executives see health benefits a major liability, not an asset. The CEO’s Guide to Restoring the American Dream is a life saving guide to provide employees needed healthcare in way a your CFO and CEO will applaud.

Tom Emerick Former head of benefits at Walmart, BP, & Burger King

Dave Chase has an industry-unique ability to identify the challenges facing our health care system in a manner that the ever-expanding and frustrated masses can quickly understand. What truly distinguishes Dave’s effort is not the failures he identifies, but the thought-provoking and tested solutions he presents coupled with his willingness to challenge payers, providers and consumers alike to demand a more-rewarding health care system.

Tommy Thompson Former Wisconsin Governor & United States Secretary of Health & Human Services