Liz Antaya exemplifies health plan excellence and stewardship.

Health Rosetta recognizes the top health plans in America at the annual Rosie Awards. The Rosie Awards recognize high-value, low-cost health plans from employers and unions across the U.S.

Rosie Award winners are chosen from plans recommended by benefits advisors, solution providers, or clinical leaders who meet two important criteria: a high Plan GraderTM score and excellent use of their Health Rosetta Dividend.

The Plan Grader™ is the first comprehensive independent plan assessment to measure and improve your health plan strategy. Plan Grader is an independent 360° health plan risk assessment that provides actionable insights to create an effective 2-3 year strategy to lower costs and improve benefits. Plan Grader is built on the Health Rosetta’s eight components that have been modeled on the successes of hundreds of high-performance plans. Employers and unions can evaluate how their health plan benchmarks to other employers or union plans adopting a Health Rosetta-style health plan. Reach out to Liz Antaya to get your Plan Grade today.

Health Rosetta Dividend refers to the well-documented over $1 trillion of industry waste that can be reinvested back into an organization or community to improve wellbeing and build the foundation to restore the American Dream. Examples of Health Rosetta Dividend reinvestment include free college education, advanced primary care services, free or subsidize healthy food, pay increases, Dream Manager, $0 medications, or other tangible improvements that have a direct impact on the health and wellbeing of their workforce, dependents, and communities.

Liz Antaya Rosie

Liz Antaya

Benefits Advisor

Stahl & Associates Insurance

Health Rosetta Advisor since 2020

Liz Antaya is a benefit advisor at Stahl & Associates Insurance, the largest privately-held insurance agency in the state of Florida. Liz provides insurance, risk management and employee benefit consulting to a select group of clients, specializing in cost containment and risk mitigation–designing innovative, high-value plans that are actively managed and employer built. These plans improve cash flow and save money while offering better benefits to valued employees. These high value plans help to attract and retain top talent. She is a proud member of the Health Rosetta Group and fully believes in and supports the tenets which they uphold regarding transparency, value-based primary care, patient stewardship, active plan administration, open networks, high-performance plan design and transparent pharmacy benefits. She holds a master’s degree in Health Benefit Design.

Greg Balasco, the owner of Lakeland Automall, was a brave employer who jumped into the deep end and embraced this new unbundled, actively managed, employer-built health plan with counself from Liz and Bryce Heinbaugh. The plan has reaped the rewards in both saving money and offering better access to higher quality healthcare. Greg and his team at Lakeland Automall deserve to be recognized as a brave and innovative employer. Although Lakeland is not a large group, they have saved a significant amount of money since December 2020.

  • Industry: Car Dealer
  • # of Employees: 200
  • Location: Florida

The first year after implementing the new Health Rosetta plan, members saved more than $65,000 in deductibles and coinsurance, enabling them to use those funds on other necessities such as food and housing.

  • TPA: JP Farley
  • PBM: Southern Scripts
  • Stoploss: Skyward
  • PrimaryCare: Personna Direct (Eric Crall)
  • Individual Stewardship: Nurse Navigators
  • Other Solutions: DiaThrive, Connect DME, Centers of Excellence, RxHelp
Rosie Awards Winner Sticker