Jeana Hutchings exemplifies health plan excellence and stewardship.

Health Rosetta recognizes the top health plans in America at the annual Rosie Awards. The Rosie Awards recognize high-value, low-cost health plans from employers and unions across the U.S.

Rosie Award winners are chosen from plans recommended by benefits advisors, solution providers, or clinical leaders who meet two important criteria: a high Plan GraderTM score and excellent use of their Health Rosetta Dividend.

The Plan Grader™ is the first comprehensive independent plan assessment to measure and improve your health plan strategy. Plan Grader is an independent 360° health plan risk assessment that provides actionable insights to create an effective 2-3 year strategy to lower costs and improve benefits. Plan Grader is built on the Health Rosetta’s eight components that have been modeled on the successes of hundreds of high-performance plans. Employers and unions can evaluate how their health plan benchmarks to other employers or union plans adopting a Health Rosetta-style health plan. Reach out to Jeana Hutchings to get your Plan Grade today.

Health Rosetta Dividend refers to the well-documented over $1 trillion of industry waste that can be reinvested back into an organization or community to improve wellbeing and build the foundation to restore the American Dream. Examples of Health Rosetta Dividend reinvestment include free college education, advanced primary care services, free or subsidize healthy food, pay increases, Dream Manager, $0 medications, or other tangible improvements that have a direct impact on the health and wellbeing of their workforce, dependents, and communities.

Jeana Hutchings

Jeana Hutchings

EVP, Benefit Advisor

IMA Corp.

Health Rosetta Advisor since 2020

Jeana is a licensed benefit consultant and registered nurse more than 30 years of healthcare and insurance carrier experience. Over the last 20 years of her career, she has focused on the insurance industry. Jeana brings innovative new ideas to challenge the current state of healthcare and employee benefits. She also specializes in alternative funding arrangements, plan design, compliance, wellbeing initiatives, member education, and communication, all of which are an integral part of creating an empowered employee.

Jeana joined Diversified Insurance Group in 2003 and became the Benefits Practice Leader in 2006. During her time with Diversified, she has gathered a team of seasoned experts in the area of employee benefits, offering clients access to some of the most knowledgeable people in the industry.

  • Industry: Medical Instruments And Supplies
  • # of Employees: 5,000
  • Location: Utah

The group has continued to add to the HSA contribution and to the services offered at the clinic, to include dermatology, mental health, and enhanced Rx services

  • TPA: Aetna
  • PBM: Scipius
  • Stoploss: Optum Stop Loss Services (United Health Care)
  • PrimaryCare: N/A
  • Individual Stewardship: Onsite Care
  • OtherSolutions: IMA Rx