Bryan Perry exemplifies health plan excellence and stewardship.

Health Rosetta recognizes the top health plans in America at the annual Rosie Awards. The Rosie Awards recognize high-value, low-cost health plans from employers and unions across the U.S.

Rosie Award winners are chosen from plans recommended by benefits advisors, solution providers, or clinical leaders who meet two important criteria: a high Plan GraderTM score and excellent use of their Health Rosetta Dividend.

The Plan Grader™ is the first comprehensive independent plan assessment to measure and improve your health plan strategy. Plan Grader is an independent 360° health plan risk assessment that provides actionable insights to create an effective 2-3 year strategy to lower costs and improve benefits. Plan Grader is built on the Health Rosetta’s eight components that have been modeled on the successes of hundreds of high-performance plans. Employers and unions can evaluate how their health plan benchmarks to other employers or union plans adopting a Health Rosetta-style health plan. Reach out to Bryan Perry to get your Plan Grade today.

Health Rosetta Dividend refers to the well-documented over $1 trillion of industry waste that can be reinvested back into an organization or community to improve wellbeing and build the foundation to restore the American Dream. Examples of Health Rosetta Dividend reinvestment include free college education, advanced primary care services, free or subsidize healthy food, pay increases, Dream Manager, $0 medications, or other tangible improvements that have a direct impact on the health and wellbeing of their workforce, dependents, and communities.

Bryan Perry Rosie

Bryan Perry


Peak Benefits

Health Rosetta Advisor since 2019

Bryan is president of Peak Benefits, formed in 2012 with the belief that benefits consultants can do more to contain costs. Specializing in delivering a wide range of cost-containment strategies, Bryan ensures that clients spend as little money as possible on the parts of the healthcare supply chain that don't add value—thus enhancing employees' health and companies’ bottom lines. He is the Charter Spokesperson for the Colorado Chapter of the Free Market Medical Association.

The district consistently runs 40% to 60% below Milliman Medical Index per employee per year (PEPY) costs. Because of increased employee communication, plan member satisfaction is at an all-time high

  • Industry: Education
  • # of Employees: 95
  • Location: Colorado

Bennett School District benefits include:

  • No Increase in employee contribution since 2016.
  • Consistent annual pay raises for teachers, when other school districts in Colorado were freezing pay raises.
  • Savings have helped fund new buildings and programs.
  • Members have access to FREE in person mental health visits with our direct contract with Aurora Mental Health Center
  • TPA: Coastal Administrative Services
  • PBM: USRx
  • Stoploss: Pan-American Life
  • PrimaryCare: Peak Med
  • Individual Stewardship: AIMM
  • Other Solutions: Direct contract with a local mental health center for free in-person therapy.
Rosie Awards Winner Sticker