Jared Mongold
Benefits Advising
Employee Benefits Advisor, Insurance Office of America
After graduating from the University of Florida as an Economics major, I started as a P&C producer in training in 2013 with a large, publicly traded broker. As I started learning the insurance business and principles of risk transfer, I saw how important robust competition and feedback loops (price signals) were to the P&C market. When I started my transition into Employee Benefits in 2016, I didn’t understand why employees and employers had to dread their annual open enrollment, so I started digging deeper because none of it made any sense. Since then, I haven’t stopped digging in a quest to help my clients outperform the benefits status quo by adopting proven solutions.
- jared.mongold@ioausa.com
- 727.565.7073
- Satellite Beach FL
- https://www.ioausa.com