Drew Leatherberry
Founder & Advisor, Avergent
I am passionate about transparency and transformation in healthcare pricing and delivery for the long-term sustainability of employer health plans. Collaborative and entrepreneurial efforts have been my track record of success within my business and community ventures. I strive to deliver fresh, proactive approaches to the design and delivery of benefit plans. After a decade plus in the health broker/advisement world, I’ve been recognized locally and nationally within the industry as one who isn’t afraid to lead change. My experience includes working as a strategic adviser to executive teams within organizations with 20 to 2,000 employees across multiple industries including manufacturing, construction, transportation and professional services. As founder of Avergent, we’re seeking to lead employers in adopting value based health plans that transform their community.
- drew@avergent.com
- 866-247-5415
- De Pere, WI
- http://www.avergent.com/