Cynthia Borkoski
Area Vice President, Health & Welfare Consulting, Gallagher
Cynthia Borkoski is a Licensed Employee Benefits Consultant with USI Insurance Services. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in International Business and earned her Master’s in Sales Management. Prior to joining USI Cynthia has been advising businesses for the last 12 years helping organizations with strategies to mitigate risk, increase employee engagement and manage healthcare benefits. Through her experience, Cynthia has identified the area of healthcare to be the most critical challenge facing the business community and the wellbeing of our society, leading her to become a Healthcare Advocate with the sole purpose of reducing healthcare spend for employers and improving the quality of care for employees. Cynthia is currently in the process of getting her certification with Health Rosetta (a non-profit dedicated to solve this issue through transparency, education, awareness and innovative proven solutions through advisors committed to their mission and their code of conduct) to expedite her outreach and abilities to challenge the status quo imposed by our current Healthcare System.