Andrew Roberts
Founder & Owner AMR, Benefits Management, LLC
Brokers portray themselves as people who can help you control your benefits costs – especially health insurance. However, the very person who is supposed to be the expert (your broker) generally doesn’t know very much about healthcare financing and delivery. It’s no wonder health insurance costs for most employers continue to inflate year after year with no explanation. It is not until you understand and focus on the various components of the healthcare delivery ecosystem that you have a chance for better results or achieving the triple aim – higher quality care for employees, lower healthcare costs overall and better health outcomes.
Andy has built a team of professionals who design and implement custom benefits plans that allow employers to take care of employees like family. This ability to help businesses create the conditions so employees thrive adds real value. Few advisors can have such a significant impact on the lives of the people they touch as the AMR team. Andy had his Master’s Degree in Healthcare Financing and Delivery from the University of Lynchburg and is a Certified Employee Benefits Specialist (CEBS).